Artificial Intelligence - Australian Case Studies

Document worth reading: “Cyber-Physical Systems Resilience: State of the Art, Research Issues and Future Trends”

Ideally, full integration is required between the Internet and Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs). These packages must fulfil time-sensitive options with variable ranges of integration with their environment, incorporating data storage, computation, communications, sensing, and administration. There are, nonetheless, essential points rising from the convergence between CPS and Internet of Things (IoT) areas. The extreme heterogeneity, complexity, and dynamics of these resource-constrained packages carry new challenges to their sturdy and reliable operation, which suggests the need for novel resilience administration strategies. This paper surveys the state of the art work in the associated fields and, discusses the evaluation factors and future tendencies that emerge. Thus, we hope to supply new insights into the administration of resilient CPSs, usual by IoT devices, modelled by Game Theory, and flexibly programmed using the latest software program program and virtualization platforms. Cyber-Physical Systems Resilience: State of the Art, Research Issues and Future Trends