Fresh from the Python Package Index
• watson-machine-learning-client
Watson Machine Learning API Client
• simpleai
An implementation of AI algorithms based on aima-python
• shogun
Threat Intelligence Module
• seaborn
seaborn: statistical info visualization
• scikits.statsmodels
Statistical computations and fashions for use with SciPy
• pyrenn
A recurrent neural neighborhood toolbox for Python and Matlab.
• pymc3
Probabilistic Programming in Python: Bayesian Modeling and Probabilistic Machine Learning with Theano
• pyDatalog
A pure-python implementation of Datalog, a extremely declarative language derived from Prolog.
• PyBrain
PyBrain is the Swiss army knife for neural networking.
• pyautoweka
AutoWeka for python
• Optimus
Optimus is a static web page builder using Jinja2, webassets and Babel.
• nxpydot
Wrapper spherical pydotplus to make it work with NetworkX
• nupic
Numenta Platform for Intelligent Computing
• nolearn
scikit-learn acceptable neural neighborhood library
• nilearn
Statistical learning for neuroimaging in Python