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Boston Dynamics dog robot ‘Spot’ learns new tricks on BP oil rig

(Reuters) – Boston Dynamics’ dog-like robot ‘Spot’ is finding out new tricks.
Working on an oil rig operated by BP Plc nearly 190 miles (305 km) offshore inside the Gulf of Mexico, the company is programming Spot to study gauges, seek for corrosion, map out the power and even sniff out methane on its Mad Dog rig.
Adam Ballard, BP’s companies experience supervisor, talked about duties carried out by Spot will make the work on the rig safer by decreasing the number of people. It moreover will liberate personnel to do totally different work.
“Several hours a day, a lot of operators will stroll the power; study gauges; hear for noise that doesn’t sound right; look out on the horizon for anomalies, boats that’s most likely not caught on radar; seek for sheens,” Ballard talked about.
“What we’re doing with …

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