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Machine learning with H2O in R / Python

In this weblog, we’ll concentrate on about the best way to make use of H2O to assemble a few supervised machine learning fashions. H2O is a Java-based software program program for info modeling and regular computing, with the primary goal of it being a distributed, parallel, in memory processing engine. It have to be put in first (instructions) and by default an H2O event will run on localhost:54321. Additionally, one desires to place in R/python customers to to talk with the H2O event. Every new R / python session first should initialize a connection between the python client and the H2O cluster.

The points to be described in this weblog appeared in the exercise routines / initiatives in the Coursera course “Practical Machine Learning on H2O,” by H2O. The draw back statements / descriptions / steps are taken from the course itself. We shall use the concepts from the course, in order to:

  • to assemble a few machine learning / deep learning fashions using completely totally different algorithms (corresponding to Gradient Boosting, Random Forest, Neural Net, Elastic Net GLM and so forth.),
  • to analysis the standard bias-variance tradeoff (overfitting)
  • for hyper-parameter tuning using Grid Search
  • to utilize AutoML to routinely uncover a bunch of positive performing fashions
  • to utilize Stacked Ensembles of fashions to boost effectivity.

Problem 1

In this draw back we’re going to create an artificial info set, then run random forest / GBM on it with H2O, to create two supervised fashions for classification, one which’s low-cost and one different one which reveals clear over-fitting. We will use R client (bundle) for H2O for this draw back.

  1. Let’s first create an info set to predict an employee’s job satisfaction in a company. Let’s say an employee’s job satisfaction is set by the subsequent components (there are a selection of various components in regular, nevertheless we’ll limit us to the subsequent few ones):
    • work setting
    • pay
    • flexibility
    • relationship with supervisor
    • age
set.seed(321) # Let's say an employee's job satisfaction is set by the work setting, pay, flexibility, relationship with supervisor and age. N <- 1000 # number of samples d <- info.physique(id = 1:N) d$workEnvironment <- sample(1:5, N, alternate=TRUE) # on a scale of 1-5, 1 being unhealthy and 5 being good v <- spherical(rnorm(N, indicate=60000, sd=20000)) # 68% are 40-80k v <- pmax(v, 20000) v <- pmin(v, 100000) #desk(v) d$pay <- v d$flexibility <- sample(1:5, N, alternate=TRUE) # on a scale of 1-5, 1 being unhealthy and 5 being good d$managerRel <- sample(1:5, N, alternate=TRUE) # on a scale of 1-5, 1 being unhealthy and 5 being good d$age <- spherical(runif(N, min=20, max=60)) head(d) # id workEnvironment pay flexibility managerRel age #1 1 2 20000 2 2 21 #2 2 5 75817 1 2 31 #3 3 5 45649 5 3 25 #4 4 1 47157 1 5 55 #5 5 2 69729 2 4 33 #6 6 1 75101 2 2 39 v <- 125 * (d$pay/1000)^2 # e.g., job satisfaction score is proportional to sq. of pay (hypothetically) v <- v + 250 / log(d$age) # e.g., inversely proportional to log of age v <- v + 5 * d$flexibility v <- v + 200 * d$workEnvironment v <- v + 1000 * d$managerRel^3 v <- v + runif(N, 0, 5000) v <- 100 * (v - 0) / (max(v) - min(v)) # min-max normalization to ship the score in 0-100 d$jobSatScore <- spherical(v) # Round to nearest integer (proportion)

2. Let’s start h2o, and import the data.

library(h2o) h2o.init() as.h2o(d, destination_frame = "jobsatisfaction") jobsat <- h2o.getFrame("jobsatisfaction") # |===========================================================================================================| 100% # id workEnvironment pay flexibility managerRel age jobSatScore #1 1 2 20000 2 2 21 5 #2 2 5 75817 1 2 31 55 #3 3 5 45649 5 3 25 22 #4 4 1 47157 1 5 55 30 #5 5 2 69729 2 4 33 51 #6 6 1 75101 2 2 39 54 

3. Let’s minimize up the data. Here we plan to utilize cross-validation.

elements <- h2o.splitFrame( jobsat, ratios = 0.8, destination_frames=c("jobsat_train", "jobsat_test"), seed = 321) apply <- h2o.getFrame("jobsat_train") test <- h2o.getFrame("jobsat_test") norw(apply) # 794 norw(test) # 206 rows y <- "jobSatScore" x <- setdiff(names(apply), c("id", y)) 

4. Let’s choose the gradient boosting model (gbm), and create a model. It’s a regression model given that output variable is dealt with to be regular.

# a budget model with 10-fold cross-validation m_res <- h2o.gbm(x, y, apply, model_id = "model10foldsreasonable", ntrees = 20, nfolds = 10, seed = 123) > h2o.effectivity(m_res, apply = TRUE) # RMSE 2.973807 #H2ORegressionMetrics: gbm #** Reported on teaching info. ** #MSE: 8.069509 #RMSE: 2.840688 #MAE: 2.266134 #RMSLE: 0.1357181 #Mean Residual Deviance : 8.069509 > h2o.effectivity(m_res, xval = TRUE) # RMSE 3.299601 #H2ORegressionMetrics: gbm #** Reported on cross-validation info. ** #** 10-fold cross-validation on teaching info (Metrics computed for combined holdout predictions) ** #MSE: 8.84353 #RMSE: 2.973807 #MAE: 2.320899 #RMSLE: 0.1384746 #Mean Residual Deviance : 8.84353 > h2o.effectivity(m_res, test) # RMSE 0.6476077 #H2ORegressionMetrics: gbm #MSE: 10.88737 #RMSE: 3.299601 #MAE: 2.524492 #RMSLE: 0.1409274 #Mean Residual Deviance : 10.88737 

5. Let’s try some varied parameters, to assemble a singular model, and current how the outcomes differ.

# overfitting model with 10-fold cross-validation m_ovf <- h2o.gbm(x, y, apply, model_id = "model10foldsoverfitting", ntrees = 2000, max_depth = 20, nfolds = 10, seed = 123) > h2o.effectivity(m_ovf, apply = TRUE) # RMSE 0.004474786 #H2ORegressionMetrics: gbm #** Reported on teaching info. ** #MSE: 2.002371e-05 #RMSE: 0.004474786 #MAE: 0.0007455944 #RMSLE: 5.032019e-05 #Mean Residual Deviance : 2.002371e-05 > h2o.effectivity(m_ovf, xval = TRUE) # RMSE 0.6801615 #H2ORegressionMetrics: gbm #** Reported on cross-validation info. ** #** 10-fold cross-validation on teaching info (Metrics computed for combined holdout predictions) ** #MSE: 0.4626197 #RMSE: 0.6801615 #MAE: 0.4820542 #RMSLE: 0.02323415 #Mean Residual Deviance : 0.4626197 > h2o.effectivity(m_ovf, test) # RMSE 0.4969761 #H2ORegressionMetrics: gbm #MSE: 0.2469853 #RMSE: 0.4969761 #MAE: 0.3749822 #RMSLE: 0.01698435 #Mean Residual Deviance : 0.2469853

Problem 2

Predict Chocolate Makers Location with Deep Learning Model with H2O

The info is accessible proper right here:

This is a classification draw back. We must predict “Maker Location.” In totally different phrases, using the rating, and the other fields, how exactly we’re capable of set up whether or not it’s Belgian chocolate, French chocolate, and so forth. We shall use python client (library) for H2O for this draw back.

  1. Let’s start H2O, load the data set, and minimize up it. By the tip of this stage we should at all times have
    three variables, pointing to three info frames on H2O: apply, authentic, test. However, in case you’re choosing to utilize
    cross-validation, you will solely have two: apply and test.
import H2O import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt df = pd.read_csv('') print(df.kind) # (1795, 9) df.head() 

Maker Origin REF Review Date Cocoa Percent Maker Location Rating Bean Type Bean Origin
0 A. Morin Agua Grande 1876 2016 63% France 3.75 Sao Tome
1 A. Morin Kpime 1676 2015 70% France 2.75 Togo
2 A. Morin Atsane 1676 2015 70% France 3.00 Togo
3 A. Morin Akata 1680 2015 70% France 3.50 Togo
4 A. Morin Quilla 1704 2015 70% France 3.50 Peru
print(df['Maker Location'].distinctive()) # ['France' 'U.S.A.' 'Fiji' 'Ecuador' 'Mexico' 'Switzerland' 'Netherlands' # 'Spain' 'Peru' 'Canada' 'Italy' 'Brazil' 'U.K.' 'Australia' 'Wales' # 'Belgium' 'Germany' 'Russia' 'Puerto Rico' 'Venezuela' 'Colombia' 'Japan' # 'New Zealand' 'Costa Rica' 'South Korea' 'Amsterdam' 'Scotland' # 'Martinique' 'Sao Tome' 'Argentina' 'Guatemala' 'South Africa' 'Bolivia' # 'St. Lucia' 'Portugal' 'Singapore' 'Denmark' 'Vietnam' 'Grenada' 'Israel' # 'India' 'Czech Republic' 'Domincan Republic' 'Finland' 'Madagascar' # 'Philippines' 'Sweden' 'Poland' 'Austria' 'Honduras' 'Nicaragua' # 'Lithuania' 'Niacragua' 'Chile' 'Ghana' 'Iceland' 'Eucador' 'Hungary' # 'Suriname' 'Ireland'] print(len(df['Maker Location'].distinctive())) # 60 loc_table = df['Maker Location'].value_counts() print(loc_table) #U.S.A. 764 #France 156 #Canada 125 #U.Ok. 96 #Italy 63 #Ecuador 54 #Australia 49 #Belgium 40 #Switzerland 38 #Germany 35 #Austria 26 #Spain 25 #Colombia 23 #Hungary 22 #Venezuela 20 #Madagascar 17 #Japan 17 #New Zealand 17 #Brazil 17 #Peru 17 #Denmark 15 #Vietnam 11 #Scotland 10 #Guatemala 10 #Costa Rica 9 #Israel 9 #Argentina 9 #Poland 8 #Honduras 6 #Lithuania 6 #Sweden 5 #Nicaragua 5 #Domincan Republic 5 #South Korea 5 #Netherlands 4 #Amsterdam 4 #Puerto Rico 4 #Fiji 4 #Sao Tome 4 #Mexico 4 #Ireland 4 #Portugal 3 #Singapore 3 #Iceland 3 #South Africa 3 #Grenada 3 #Chile 2 #St. Lucia 2 #Bolivia 2 #Finland 2 #Martinique 1 #Eucador 1 #Wales 1 #Czech Republic 1 #Suriname 1 #Ghana 1 #India 1 #Niacragua 1 #Philippines 1 #Russia 1 #Name: Maker Location, dtype: int64 loc_table.hist() 

As will probably be seen from the above desk, a variety of the locations have too few info, which is ready to finish end result in poor accuracy of the model to be learnt on after splitting the dataset into apply, validation and test datasets. Let’s do away with the locations which have small number of (< 40) examples in the dataset, to make the outcomes further merely comprehendible, by reducing number of courses in the output variable.

## filter out the nations for which there's < 40 examples present in the dataset loc_gt_40_recs = loc_table[loc_table >= 40].index.tolist() df_sub = df[df['Maker Location'].isin(loc_gt_40_recs)] # now join with H2O h2o.init() # h2o.clusterStatus() 

H2O cluster uptime: 1 day 14 hours 48 minutes
H2O cluster mannequin:
H2O cluster mannequin age: 4 years and 9 days !!!
H2O cluster determine: H2O_started_from_R_Sandipan.Dey_kpl973
H2O cluster complete nodes: 1
H2O cluster free memory: 2.530 Gb
H2O cluster complete cores: 4
H2O cluster allowed cores: 4
H2O cluster standing: locked, healthful
H2O connection url: http://localhost:54321
H2O connection proxy: None
H2O internal security: False
H2O API Extensions: Algos, AutoML, Core V3, Core V4
Python mannequin: 3.7.6 closing
h2o_df = h2o.H2OFrame(df_sub.values, destination_frame = "cacao_882", column_names=[x.replace(' ', '_') for x in df.columns.tolist()]) #h2o_df.head() #h2o_df.summary() df_cacao_882 = h2o.get_frame('cacao_882') # df_cacao_882.as_data_frame() #df_cacao_882.head() df_cacao_882.describe() 

Maker Origin REF Review_Date Cocoa_Percent Maker_Location Rating Bean_Type Bean_Origin
form enum enum int int enum enum precise enum enum
minutes 5.0 2006.0 1.0
indicate 1025.8849294729039 2012.273942093541 3.1818856718633928
maxs 1952.0 2017.0 5.0
sigma 553.7812013716441 2.978615633185091 0.4911459825968248
zeros 0 0 0
missing 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 A. Morin Agua Grande 1876.0 2016.0 63% France 3.75 <0xA0> Sao Tome
1 A. Morin Kpime 1676.0 2015.0 70% France 2.75 <0xA0> Togo
2 A. Morin Atsane 1676.0 2015.0 70% France 3.0 <0xA0> Togo
3 A. Morin Akata 1680.0 2015.0 70% France 3.5 <0xA0> Togo
4 A. Morin Quilla 1704.0 2015.0 70% France 3.5 <0xA0> Peru
5 A. Morin Carenero 1315.0 2014.0 70% France 2.75 Criollo Venezuela
6 A. Morin Cuba 1315.0 2014.0 70% France 3.5 <0xA0> Cuba
7 A. Morin Sur del Lago 1315.0 2014.0 70% France 3.5 Criollo Venezuela
8 A. Morin Puerto Cabello 1319.0 2014.0 70% France 3.75 Criollo Venezuela
9 A. Morin Pablino 1319.0 2014.0 70% France 4.0 <0xA0> Peru
df_cacao_882['Maker_Location'].desk() #Maker_Location Count #Australia 49 #Belgium 40 #Canada 125 #Ecuador 54 #France 156 #Italy 63 #U.Ok. 96 #U.S.A. 764 apply, authentic, test = df_cacao_882.split_frame(ratios = [0.8, 0.1], destination_frames = ['train', 'valid', 'test'], seed = 321) print("%d/%d/%d" %(apply.nrows, authentic.nrows, test.nrows)) # 1082/138/127 

2. Let’s set x to be the itemizing of columns we’ll use to teach on, to be the column we’ll examine. Here it’s going to be a multi-class classification draw back.

ignore_fields = ['Review_Date', 'Bean_Type', 'Maker_Location'] # Specify the response and predictor columns y = 'Maker_Location' # multinomial Classification x = [i for i in train.names if not i in ignore_fields]

3. Let’s now create a baseline deep learning model. It is basically helpful to utilize all default settings (remembering to
specify each nfolds or validation_frame) for the baseline model.

from h2o.estimators.deeplearning import H2ODeepLearningEstimator model = H2ODeepLearningEstimator() %time model.apply(x = x, y = y, training_frame = apply, validation_frame = authentic) # deeplearning Model Build progress: |██████████████████████████████████████| 100% # Wall time: 6.44 s model.model_performance(apply).mean_per_class_error() # 0.05118279569892473 model.model_performance(authentic).mean_per_class_error() # 0.26888404593884047 perf_test = model.model_performance(test) print('Mean class error', perf_test.mean_per_class_error()) # Mean class error 0.2149184149184149 print('log loss', perf_test.logloss()) # log loss 0.48864148412056846 print('MSE', perf_test.mse()) # MSE 0.11940531127368789 print('RMSE', perf_test.rmse()) # RMSE 0.3455507361787671 perf_test.hit_ratio_table()
Top-8 Hit Ratios: 

okay hit_ratio
1 0.8897638
2 0.9291338
3 0.9527559
4 0.9685039
5 0.9763779
6 0.9921259
7 0.9999999
8 0.9999999

Australia Belgium Canada Ecuador France Italy U.Ok. U.S.A. Error Rate
0 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.400000 2 / 5
1 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.333333 1 / 3
2 0.0 0.0 12.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.076923 1 / 13
3 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.000000 0 / 3
4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.0 2.0 0.0 1.0 0.272727 3 / 11
5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 0.000000 0 / 10
6 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 4.0 0.636364 7 / 11
7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 71.0 0.000000 0 / 71
8 3.0 2.0 12.0 4.0 8.0 15.0 4.0 79.0 0.110236 14 / 127

4. Now, let’s create a tuned model, that provides superior effectivity. However we should at all times use no more than 10 situations
the working time of your baseline model, so as soon as extra our script must be timing the model.

model_tuned = H2ODeepLearningEstimator(epochs=200, distribution="multinomial", activation="RectifierWithDropout", stopping_rounds=5, stopping_tolerance=0, stopping_metric="logloss", input_dropout_ratio=0.2, l1=1e-5, hidden=[200,200,200]) %time model_tuned.apply(x, y, training_frame = apply, validation_frame = authentic) #deeplearning Model Build progress: |██████████████████████████████████████| 100% #Wall time: 30.8 s model_tuned.model_performance(apply).mean_per_class_error() #0.0 model_tuned.model_performance(authentic).mean_per_class_error() #0.07696485401964853 perf_test = model_tuned.model_performance(test) print('Mean class error', perf_test.mean_per_class_error()) #Mean class error 0.05909090909090909 print('log loss', perf_test.logloss()) #log loss 0.14153784501504524 print('MSE', perf_test.mse()) #MSE 0.03497231075826773 print('RMSE', perf_test.rmse()) #RMSE 0.18700885208531637 perf_test.hit_ratio_table()
Top-8 Hit Ratios: 

okay hit_ratio
1 0.9606299
2 0.984252
3 0.984252
4 0.992126
5 0.992126
6 0.992126
7 1.0
8 1.0

Australia Belgium Canada Ecuador France Italy U.Ok. U.S.A. Error Rate
0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.000000 0 / 5
1 0.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.000000 0 / 3
2 0.0 0.0 13.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.000000 0 / 13
3 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.000000 0 / 3
4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.000000 0 / 11
5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 8.0 0.0 1.0 0.200000 2 / 10
6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.0 3.0 0.272727 3 / 11
7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 71.0 0.000000 0 / 71
8 5.0 3.0 13.0 3.0 12.0 8.0 8.0 75.0 0.039370 5 / 127

As will probably be seen from the above plot, the early-stopping method stopped the model to overfit and the model achieves greater accruacy on the test dataset..

5. Let’s save every the fashions, to the native disk, using save_model(), to export the binary mannequin of the model. (Do not export a POJO.)

h2o.save_model(model, 'base_model') h2o.save_model(model_tuned, 'tuned_model')

We might have to embody a seed in the model carry out above to get reproducible outcomes.

Problem 3

Predict Price of a house with Stacked Ensemble model with H2O

The info is accessible at This is a regression draw back. We have to predict the “worth” of a house given completely totally different attribute values. We shall use python client for H2O as soon as extra for this draw back.

The info have to be minimize up into apply and test, using 0.9 for the ratio, and a seed of 123. That ought to offer 19,462 teaching rows and a few,151 test rows. The purpose is an RMSE underneath $123,000.

  1. Let’s start H2O, load the chosen dataset and observe the data manipulation steps. For occasion, we’re capable of minimize up date into 12 months and month columns. We can then optionally combine them proper right into a numeric date column. At the tip of this step we could have applytestx and y variables, and presumably authentic moreover. The underneath reveals the code snippet to try this.
import h2o import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import random from time import time h2o.init() url = "" house_df = h2o.import_file(url, destination_frame = "house_data") # Parse progress: |█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100%


house_df['year'] = house_df['date'].substring(0,4).asnumeric() house_df['month'] = house_df['date'].substring(4,6).asnumeric() house_df['day'] = house_df['date'].substring(6,8).asnumeric() house_df = house_df.drop('date') house_df.head()

id worth bedrooms bogs sqft_living sqft_lot flooring waterfront view scenario grade sqft_above sqft_basement yr_built yr_renovated zipcode lat prolonged sqft_living15 sqft_lot15 12 months month day
7.1293e+09 221900 3 1 1180 5650 1 0 0 3 7 1180 0 1955 0 98178 47.5112 -122.257 1340 5650 2014 10 13
6.4141e+09 538000 3 2.25 2570 7242 2 0 0 3 7 2170 400 1951 1991 98125 47.721 -122.319 1690 7639 2014 12 9
5.6315e+09 180000 2 1 770 10000 1 0 0 3 6 770 0 1933 0 98028 47.7379 -122.233 2720 8062 2015 2 25
2.4872e+09 604000 4 3 1960 5000 1 0 0 5 7 1050 910 1965 0 98136 47.5208 -122.393 1360 5000 2014 12 9
1.9544e+09 510000 3 2 1680 8080 1 0 0 3 8 1680 0 1987 0 98074 47.6168 -122.045 1800 7503 2015 2 18
7.23755e+09 1.225e+06 4 4.5 5420 101930 1 0 0 3 11 3890 1530 2001 0 98053 47.6561 -122.005 4760 101930 2014 5 12
1.3214e+09 257500 3 2.25 1715 6819 2 0 0 3 7 1715 0 1995 0 98003 47.3097 -122.327 2238 6819 2014 6 27
2.008e+09 291850 3 1.5 1060 9711 1 0 0 3 7 1060 0 1963 0 98198 47.4095 -122.315 1650 9711 2015 1 15
2.4146e+09 229500 3 1 1780 7470 1 0 0 3 7 1050 730 1960 0 98146 47.5123 -122.337 1780 8113 2015 4 15
3.7935e+09 323000 3 2.5 1890 6560 2 0 0 3 7 1890 0 2003 0 98038 47.3684 -122.031 2390 7570 2015 3 12

id worth bedrooms bogs sqft_living sqft_lot flooring waterfront view scenario grade sqft_above sqft_basement yr_built yr_renovated zipcode lat prolonged sqft_living15 sqft_lot15 12 months month day
form int int int precise int int precise int int int int int int int int int precise precise int int int int int
minutes 1000102.0 75000.0 0.0 0.0 290.0 520.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 290.0 0.0 1900.0 0.0 98001.0 47.1559 -122.519 399.0 651.0 2014.0 1.0 1.0
indicate 4580301520.864987 540088.1417665284 3.370841623097218 2.114757321982139 2079.899736269819 15106.96756581695 1.4943089807060526 0.007541757275713691 0.23430342849211097 3.4094295100171164 7.6568731781798105 1788.3906907879518 291.50904548188555 1971.0051357979064 84.4022579003377 98077.93980474674 47.56005251931665 -122.21389640494158 1986.5524915560036 12768.45565169118 2014.3229537778102 6.574422801091883 15.688196918521294
maxs 9900000190.0 7700000.0 33.0 8.0 13540.0 1651359.0 3.5 1.0 4.0 5.0 13.0 9410.0 4820.0 2015.0 2015.0 98199.0 47.7776 -121.315 6210.0 871200.0 2015.0 12.0 31.0
sigma 2876565571.3120522 367127.19648270035 0.930061831147451 0.7701631572177408 918.4408970468095 41420.51151513551 0.5399888951423489 0.08651719772788766 0.7663175692736117 0.6507430463662044 1.1754587569743344 828.0909776519175 442.57504267746685 29.373410802386235 401.67924001917555 53.50502625747248 0.13856371024192368 0.14082834238139297 685.3913042527788 27304.179631338524 0.4676160310451536 3.1153077787263648 8.635062534286034
zeros 0 0 13 10 0 0 0 21450 19489 0 0 0 13126 0 20699 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
missing 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 7129300520.0 221900.0 3.0 1.0 1180.0 5650.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 7.0 1180.0 0.0 1955.0 0.0 98178.0 47.5112 -122.257 1340.0 5650.0 2014.0 10.0 13.0
1 6414100192.0 538000.0 3.0 2.25 2570.0 7242.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 7.0 2170.0 400.0 1951.0 1991.0 98125.0 47.721000000000004 -122.319 1690.0 7639.0 2014.0 12.0 9.0
2 5631500400.0 180000.0 2.0 1.0 770.0 10000.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 6.0 770.0 0.0 1933.0 0.0 98028.0 47.7379 -122.233 2720.0 8062.0 2015.0 2.0 25.0
3 2487200875.0 604000.0 4.0 3.0 1960.0 5000.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 7.0 1050.0 910.0 1965.0 0.0 98136.0 47.5208 -122.393 1360.0 5000.0 2014.0 12.0 9.0
4 1954400510.0 510000.0 3.0 2.0 1680.0 8080.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 8.0 1680.0 0.0 1987.0 0.0 98074.0 47.616800000000005 -122.045 1800.0 7503.0 2015.0 2.0 18.0
5 7237550310.0 1225000.0 4.0 4.5 5420.0 101930.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 11.0 3890.0 1530.0 2001.0 0.0 98053.0 47.6561 -122.005 4760.0 101930.0 2014.0 5.0 12.0
6 1321400060.0 257500.0 3.0 2.25 1715.0 6819.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 7.0 1715.0 0.0 1995.0 0.0 98003.0 47.3097 -122.327 2238.0 6819.0 2014.0 6.0 27.0
7 2008000270.0 291850.0 3.0 1.5 1060.0 9711.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 7.0 1060.0 0.0 1963.0 0.0 98198.0 47.4095 -122.315 1650.0 9711.0 2015.0 1.0 15.0
8 2414600126.0 229500.0 3.0 1.0 1780.0 7470.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 7.0 1050.0 730.0 1960.0 0.0 98146.0 47.5123 -122.337 1780.0 8113.0 2015.0 4.0 15.0
9 3793500160.0 323000.0 3.0 2.5 1890.0 6560.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 7.0 1890.0 0.0 2003.0 0.0 98038.0 47.3684 -122.031 2390.0 7570.0 2015.0 3.0 12.0
plt.hist(house_df.as_data_frame()['price'].tolist(), bins=np.linspace(0,10**6,1000)) plt.current()

We shall use cross-validation and by no means a validation dataset.

apply, test = house_df.split_frame(ratios=[0.9], destination_frames = ['train', 'test'], seed=123) print("%d/%d" %(apply.nrows, test.nrows)) # 19462/2151 ignore_fields = ['id', 'price'] x = [i for i in train.names if not i in ignore_fields] y = 'worth' 

2. Let’s now apply at least 4 completely totally different fashions on the preprocessed datseet, using at least three completely totally different supervised algorithms. Let’s save all the fashions.

from h2o.estimators.gbm import H2OGradientBoostingEstimator from h2o.estimators.random_forest import H2ORandomForestEstimator from h2o.estimators.glm import H2OGeneralizedLinearEstimator from h2o.estimators.deeplearning import H2ODeepLearningEstimator from h2o.estimators.stackedensemble import H2OStackedEnsembleEstimator nfolds = 5 # for cross-validation 

Let’s first match a GLM model. The best performing α hyperparameter value (for controlling L1 vs. L2 regularization) for GLM will most likely be found using GridSearch, as confirmed in the underneath code snippet.

g= h2o.grid.H2OGridSearch( H2OGeneralizedLinearEstimator(family="gaussian", nfolds=nfolds, fold_assignment="Modulo", keep_cross_validation_predictions=True, lambda_search=True), hyper_params={ "alpha":[x * 0.01 for x in range(0,100)], }, search_criteria={ "method":"RandomDiscrete", "max_models":8, "stopping_metric": "rmse", "max_runtime_secs":60 } ) g.apply(x, y, apply) g #glm Grid Build progress: |████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100% # alpha  #0 [0.61] #1 [0.78] #2 [0.65] #3 [0.13] #4 [0.35000000000000003] #5 [0.05] #6 [0.32] #7 [0.55] # model_ids residual_deviance #0 Grid_GLM_train_model_python_1628864392402_41_model_3 2.626981989511134E15 #1 Grid_GLM_train_model_python_1628864392402_41_model_6 2.626981989511134E15 #2 Grid_GLM_train_model_python_1628864392402_41_model_5 2.626981989511134E15 #3 Grid_GLM_train_model_python_1628864392402_41_model_2 2.626981989511134E15 #4 Grid_GLM_train_model_python_1628864392402_41_model_4 2.626981989511134E15 #5 Grid_GLM_train_model_python_1628864392402_41_model_7 2.626981989511134E15 #6 Grid_GLM_train_model_python_1628864392402_41_model_0 2.626981989511134E15 #7 Grid_GLM_train_model_python_1628864392402_41_model_1 2.626981989511134E15 

Model 1

model_GLM= H2OGeneralizedLinearEstimator( family='gaussian', #'gamma', model_id='glm_house', nfolds=nfolds, alpha=0.61, fold_assignment="Modulo", keep_cross_validation_predictions=True) %time model_GLM.apply(x, y, apply) #glm Model Build progress: |███████████████████████████████████████████████| 100% #Wall time: 259 ms model_GLM.cross_validation_metrics_summary().as_data_frame()

indicate sd cv_1_valid cv_2_valid cv_3_valid cv_4_valid cv_5_valid
0 mae 230053.23 715.8795 229225.16 230969.69 228503.45 230529.47 231038.42
1 mean_residual_deviance 1.31780157E11 4.5671977E9 1.32968604E11 1.41431144E11 1.31364495E11 1.32024402E11 1.21112134E11
2 mse 1.31780157E11 4.5671977E9 1.32968604E11 1.41431144E11 1.31364495E11 1.32024402E11 1.21112134E11
3 null_deviance 5.25455325E14 1.80834544E13 5.3056184E14 5.636807E14 5.23549568E14 5.26203388E14 4.83281095E14
4 r2 0.023522535 4.801036E-4 0.024299357 0.023168933 0.022531934 0.023340257 0.024272196
5 residual_deviance 5.12943247E14 1.7808912E13 5.17646773E14 5.5059142E14 5.11270625E14 5.13838982E14 4.71368433E14
6 rmse 362905.53 6314.0225 364648.6 376073.3 362442.4 363351.62 348011.7
7 rmsle 0.53911585 0.0047404445 0.54277176 0.5389013 0.5275475 0.53846484 0.54789394
model_GLM.model_performance(test) #ModelMetricsRegressionGLM: glm #** Reported on test info. ** #MSE: 128806123545.59714 #RMSE: 358895.7000934911 #MAE: 233890.6933813204 #RMSLE: 0.5456714021880726 #R^2: 0.03102347771355851 #Mean Residual Deviance: 128806123545.59714 #Null ranges of freedom: 2150 #Residual ranges of freedom: 2129 #Null deviance: 285935013037402.7 #Residual deviance: 277061971746579.44 #AIC: 61176.23965800522

As will probably be seen from above, GLM could not receive the purpose of RMSE underneath $123k neither on cross-validation nor on test dataset.

The underneath fashions (GBMDRF and DL) and the corresponding parameters have been found with AutoML leaderboard and 
GridSearch, alongside with some handbook tuning.

from h2o.automl import H2OAutoML model_auto = H2OAutoML(max_runtime_secs=60, seed=123) model_auto.apply(x, y, apply) # AutoML progress: |████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100% # Parse progress: |█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100% model_auto.leaderboard

model_id mean_residual_deviance rmse mae rmsle
GBM_grid_0_AutoML_20210814_005121_model_0 2.01725e+10 142030 77779.1 0.184269
GBM_grid_0_AutoML_20210814_005121_model_1 2.6037e+10 161360 93068.1 0.218365
DRF_0_AutoML_20210814_005121 3.27251e+10 180901 102782 0.243474
XRT_0_AutoML_20210814_005121 3.53492e+10 188014 104259 0.246899
GBM_grid_0_AutoML_20210813_201225_model_0 5.99803e+10 244909 153548 0.351959
GBM_grid_0_AutoML_20210813_201225_model_2 6.09613e+10 246903 152570 0.349919
GBM_grid_0_AutoML_20210813_201225_model_1 6.09941e+10 246970 153096 0.350852
GBM_grid_0_AutoML_20210813_201225_model_3 6.22174e+10 249434 153105 0.350598
DeepLearning_0_AutoML_20210813_201225 6.39672e+10 252917 163993 0.378761
DRF_0_AutoML_20210813_201225 6.76936e+10 260180 158078 0.360337
model_auto.chief.model_performance(test) # model_auto.chief.make clear(test) #ModelMetricsRegression: gbm #** Reported on test info. ** #MSE: 17456681023.716145 #RMSE: 132123.73376390839 #MAE: 77000.00253466706 #RMSLE: 0.1899899418603569 #Mean Residual Deviance: 17456681023.716145 model = h2o.get_model(model_auto.leaderboard[4, 'model_id']) # get model by model_id print(model.params['model_id']['actual']['name']) print(model.model_performance(test).rmse()) [(k, v) for (k, v) in model.params.items() if v['default'] != v['actual'] and  not okay in ['model_id', 'training_frame', 'validation_frame', 'nfolds', 'keep_cross_validation_predictions', 'seed', 'response_column', 'fold_assignment', 'ignored_columns']] # GBM_grid_0_AutoML_20210813_201225_model_0 # 235011.60404473927 # [('score_tree_interval', {'default': 0, 'actual': 5}), # ('ntrees', {'default': 50, 'actual': 60}), # ('max_depth', {'default': 5, 'actual': 6}), # ('min_rows', {'default': 10.0, 'actual': 1.0}), # ('stopping_tolerance', {'default': 0.001, 'actual': 0.008577452408351779}), # ('seed', {'default': -1, 'actual': 123}), # ('distribution', {'default': 'AUTO', 'actual': 'gaussian'}), # ('sample_rate', {'default': 1.0, 'actual': 0.8}), # ('col_sample_rate', {'default': 1.0, 'actual': 0.8}), # ('col_sample_rate_per_tree', {'default': 1.0, 'actual': 0.8})]

Model 2

model_GBM = H2OGradientBoostingEstimator( model_id='gbm_house', nfolds=nfolds, ntrees=500, fold_assignment="Modulo", keep_cross_validation_predictions=True, seed=123) %time model_GBM.apply(x, y, apply) #gbm Model Build progress: |███████████████████████████████████████████████| 100% #Wall time: 54.9 s model_GBM.cross_validation_metrics_summary().as_data_frame()

indicate sd cv_1_valid cv_2_valid cv_3_valid cv_4_valid cv_5_valid
0 mae 64136.496 912.2387 62751.688 66573.63 63946.31 63873.707 63537.137
1 mean_residual_deviance 1.38268457E10 1.43582912E9 1.24595825E10 1.75283814E10 1.2894718E10 1.43893801E10 1.18621655E10
2 mse 1.38268457E10 1.43582912E9 1.24595825E10 1.75283814E10 1.2894718E10 1.43893801E10 1.18621655E10
3 r2 0.8979097 0.0075696795 0.90857375 0.87893564 0.9040519 0.89355356 0.90443367
4 residual_deviance 1.38268457E10 1.43582912E9 1.24595825E10 1.75283814E10 1.2894718E10 1.43893801E10 1.18621655E10
5 rmse 117288.305 5928.7188 111622.5 132394.8 113554.914 119955.74 108913.57
6 rmsle 0.16441989 0.0025737707 0.16231671 0.17041409 0.15941188 0.16528262 0.16467415

As will probably be seen from the above desk (row 5, column 1), the indicate RMSE for cross-validation is 117288.305, which is underneath $123k.

model_GBM.model_performance(test) #ModelMetricsRegression: gbm #** Reported on test info. ** #MSE: 14243079402.729088 #RMSE: 119344.37315068142 #MAE: 65050.344749203745 #RMSLE: 0.16421689257411975 #Mean Residual Deviance: 14243079402.729088

As will probably be seen from above, GBM could receive the purpose of RMSE underneath $123k on test dataset.

Now, let’s try random forest model by discovering best parameters with Grid Search:

g= h2o.grid.H2OGridSearch( H2ORandomForestEstimator( nfolds=nfolds, fold_assignment="Modulo", keep_cross_validation_predictions=True, seed=123), hyper_params={ "ntrees": [20, 25, 30], "stopping_tolerance": [0.005, 0.006, 0.0075], "max_depth": [20, 50, 100], "min_rows": [5, 7, 10] }, search_criteria={ "method":"RandomDiscrete", "max_models":10, "stopping_metric": "rmse", "max_runtime_secs":60 } ) g.apply(x, y, apply) #drf Grid Build progress: |████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100% g # max_depth min_rows ntrees stopping_tolerance  #0 100 5.0 20 0.006 #1 100 5.0 20 0.005 #2 100 5.0 20 0.005 #3 100 7.0 30 0.006 #4 50 10.0 25 0.006 #5 50 10.0 20 0.005 # model_ids residual_deviance #0 Grid_DRF_train_model_python_1628864392402_40_model_0 2.0205038467456142E10 #1 Grid_DRF_train_model_python_1628864392402_40_model_5 2.0205038467456142E10 #2 Grid_DRF_train_model_python_1628864392402_40_model_1 2.0205038467456142E10 #3 Grid_DRF_train_model_python_1628864392402_40_model_3 2.099520493338354E10 #4 Grid_DRF_train_model_python_1628864392402_40_model_2 2.260686283035833E10 #5 Grid_DRF_train_model_python_1628864392402_40_model_4 2.279037520277947E10 

Model 3

model_RF = H2ORandomForestEstimator( model_id='rf_house', nfolds=nfolds, ntrees=20, fold_assignment="Modulo", keep_cross_validation_predictions=True, seed=123) %time model_RF.apply(x, y, apply) #drf Model Build progress: |███████████████████████████████████████████████| 100% #Wall time: 13.2 s model_RF.cross_validation_metrics_summary().as_data_frame()

indicate sd cv_1_valid cv_2_valid cv_3_valid cv_4_valid cv_5_valid
0 mae 72734.0 1162.9153 73242.26 75062.21 73461.65 71646.195 70257.7
1 mean_residual_deviance 1.8545494E10 2.2018921E9 1.79095654E10 2.45911347E10 1.74433321E10 1.71117425E10 1.56716954E10
2 mse 1.8545494E10 2.2018921E9 1.79095654E10 2.45911347E10 1.74433321E10 1.71117425E10 1.56716954E10
3 r2 0.8632202 0.011770816 0.8685827 0.8301549 0.8702062 0.8734147 0.8737426
4 residual_deviance 1.8545494E10 2.2018921E9 1.79095654E10 2.45911347E10 1.74433321E10 1.71117425E10 1.56716954E10
5 rmse 135742.78 7726.2373 133826.62 156815.61 132073.2 130811.86 125186.64
6 rmsle 0.18275535 0.0020155373 0.18441868 0.18689767 0.17945778 0.1833288 0.17967385
model_RF.model_performance(test) ModelMetricsRegression: drf ** Reported on test info. ** MSE: 16405336914.530426 RMSE: 128083.3202041953 MAE: 71572.37981480274 RMSLE: 0.17712324625977907 Mean Residual Deviance: 16405336914.530426

As will probably be seen from above, DRF merely missed the purpose of RMSE underneath $123k for on every the cross-validation and on test dataset.

Now, let’s try and match a deep learning model, as soon as extra tuning the parameters with Grid Search.

g= h2o.grid.H2OGridSearch( H2ODeepLearningEstimator( nfolds=nfolds, fold_assignment="Modulo", keep_cross_validation_predictions=True, reproducible=True, seed=123), hyper_params={ "epochs": [20, 25], "hidden": [[20, 20, 20], [25, 25, 25]], "stopping_rounds": [0, 5], "stopping_tolerance": [0.006] }, search_criteria={ "method":"RandomDiscrete", "max_models":10, "stopping_metric": "rmse", "max_runtime_secs":60 } ) g.apply(x, y, apply) g #deeplearning Grid Build progress: |███████████████████████████████████████| 100% # epochs hidden stopping_rounds stopping_tolerance  #0 16.79120554889533 [25, 25, 25] 0 0.006 #1 3.1976799968879086 [25, 25, 25] 0 0.006 # model_ids  #0 Grid_DeepLearning_train_model_python_1628864392402_55_model_0 #1 Grid_DeepLearning_train_model_python_1628864392402_55_model_1 # residual_deviance #0 1.6484562934855278E10 #1 2.1652538389322113E10 

Model 4

model_DL = H2ODeepLearningEstimator(epochs=30, model_id='dl_house', nfolds=nfolds, stopping_rounds=7, stopping_tolerance=0.006, hidden=[30, 30, 30], reproducible=True, fold_assignment="Modulo", keep_cross_validation_predictions=True, seed=123 ) %time model_DL.apply(x, y, apply) #deeplearning Model Build progress: |██████████████████████████████████████| 100% #Wall time: 55.7 s model_DL.cross_validation_metrics_summary().as_data_frame()

indicate sd cv_1_valid cv_2_valid cv_3_valid cv_4_valid cv_5_valid
0 mae 72458.19 1241.8936 71992.18 73569.984 75272.75 70553.38 70902.65
1 mean_residual_deviance 1.48438886E10 5.5005555E8 1.42477005E10 1.59033723E10 1.54513889E10 1.48586271E10 1.37583514E10
2 mse 1.48438886E10 5.5005555E8 1.42477005E10 1.59033723E10 1.54513889E10 1.48586271E10 1.37583514E10
3 r2 0.8899759 0.0023493338 0.89545286 0.8901592 0.885028 0.89008224 0.88915724
4 residual_deviance 1.48438886E10 5.5005555E8 1.42477005E10 1.59033723E10 1.54513889E10 1.48586271E10 1.37583514E10
5 rmse 121793.58 2259.6975 119363.734 126108.58 124303.62 121895.97 117296.0
6 rmsle 0.18431115 0.0011469581 0.18251595 0.18650953 0.18453318 0.18555655 0.18244053

As will probably be seen from the above desk (row 5, column 1), the indicate RMSE for cross-validation is 121793.58, which is underneath $123k.

model_DL.model_performance(test) #ModelMetricsRegression: deeplearning #** Reported on test info. ** #MSE: 14781990070.095192 #RMSE: 121581.20771770278 #MAE: 72522.60487846025 #RMSLE: 0.1834924698171073 #Mean Residual Deviance: 14781990070.095192

As will probably be seen from above, the deep learning model could receive the purpose of RMSE underneath $123k on test dataset.

3. Finally, let’s apply a stacked ensemble of the fashions created in earlier steps. We might must repeat steps two and three until the easiest model (which is usually the ensemble model, nevertheless would not must be) has the minimal required effectivity on the cross-validation dataset. Note: only one model has to understand the minimal required effectivity. If a variety of fashions receive it, so we now have to pick the easiest performing one.

fashions = [model_GBM.model_id, model_RF.model_id, model_DL.model_id] #model_GLM.model_id, model_SE = H2OStackedEnsembleEstimator(model_id = 'se_gbm_dl_house', base_models=fashions) %time model_SE.apply(x, y, apply) #stackedensemble Model Build progress: |███████████████████████████████████| 100% #Wall time: 2.67 s #model_SE.model_performance(test) #ModelMetricsRegressionGLM: stackedensemble #** Reported on test info. ** #MSE: 130916347835.45828 #RMSE: 361823.6418967924 #MAE: 236448.3672215734 #RMSLE: 0.5514878971097109 #R^2: 0.015148783736682492 #Mean Residual Deviance: 130916347835.45828 #Null ranges of freedom: 2150 #Residual ranges of freedom: 2147 #Null deviance: 285935013037402.7 #Residual deviance: 281601064194070.75 #AIC: 61175.193832813566

As will probably be seen from above, the stacked ensemble model could not attain the required effectivity, neither on the cross-validation, nor on the test dataset.

4. Now let’s get the effectivity on the test info of the chosen model/ensemble, and be sure that this moreover reaches the minimal purpose on the test info.

Best Model

The model that performs best in phrases of indicate cross-validation RMSE and RMSE on the test dataset (every of them are underneath the minimal purpose $123k) is the gradient boositng model (GBM), which is the Model 2 above.

model_GBM.model_performance(test) #ModelMetricsRegression: gbm #** Reported on test info. ** #MSE: 14243079402.729088 #RMSE: 119344.37315068142 #MAE: 65050.344749203745 #RMSLE: 0.16421689257411975 #Mean Residual Deviance: 14243079402.729088 # save the fashions h2o.save_model(model_GBM, 'best_model (GBM)') # the final word best model h2o.save_model(model_SE, 'SE_model') h2o.save_model(model_GBM, 'GBM_model') h2o.save_model(model_RF, 'RF_model') h2o.save_model(model_GLM, 'GLM_model') h2o.save_model(model_DL, 'DL_model')