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Best Practices to Handle Exceptions in Java

When you hire a Java developer, they must be proficient in Exception handling. Exceptions are like unexpected surprises while writing code. They occur when something goes unexpectedly wrong, such as errors in user input or an inability to access a database connection. 

The Java language provides tools for dealing with exceptions that enable developers to write robust, reliable applications. Properly handled exceptions also make debugging easier, as the developer can more quickly pinpoint the source of an issue. 

When writing code, a Java developer will use try and catch blocks to handle exceptions. This provides a way of isolating problematic code and responding appropriately when something goes wrong. There is a code in the try block that may throw an exception, and there is a code in the catch block that must be executed whenever exceptions are thrown. The developer will also use Java’s final keyword for performing cleanup activities such as closing files and database connections. 

The Java language also provides support for custom Java exceptions, which provide a way of throwing and catching application-specific exceptions. This helps developers write better-organized, more efficient code.

Hiring a Java developer with expertise in exception handling is essential for developing high-quality applications and services. The right skills can help ensure that your project runs smoothly, without any unexpected surprises along the way. 

What Are Exceptions and Exception Handling?

Exceptions are a way of signaling errors that may occur during the runtime of a program. Exceptions in Java are objects created to capture exceptions and errors generated in our application. When such exceptions arise, exceptions can be handled using try-catch blocks in order to take appropriate action or throw another exception up the call stack depending on the situation.

When we throw exceptions in Java, we are basically creating an object of any exceptions class and then throwing it. To throw exceptions in Java, you can use one of the keywords ‘throw’, ‘throws’, or ‘Throwable’. The keyword ‘throw’ is used to explicitly throw exceptions from a method, while the ‘throws’ keyword is used to declare exceptions that may be thrown from a method. 

Lastly, the Throwable keyword is used to catch both checked and unchecked exceptions which cannot be handled within the code.

The most common type of exception that you will see when writing Java programs is called a RuntimeException. This is an error that occurs during program execution due to bad programming logic or invalid user input. There are many exceptions that can be thrown in Java, ranging from NullPointerExceptions to NumberFormatExceptions. 

Handling exceptions early on in the development process is important in order to avoid runtime errors and exceptions during program execution. 

Why Do We Need Them?

Exceptions provide a way to detect errors in the program, which can then be handled appropriately. They can also help improve the overall readability of your code by allowing exceptions to be handled in one place instead of scattered throughout the application. 

Furthermore, exceptions are useful for debugging purposes as they can pinpoint specific areas where exceptions occurred and allow developers to easily identify and fix them. 

In conclusion, exceptions are important elements of Java programming that help ensure that our applications run smoothly and safely. Exceptions should always be handled properly, either by using try-catch blocks or by using throw keywords. Knowing how to throw exceptions correctly is essential for creating robust Java programs. 

10 Best Practices to Handle Exceptions in Java 

Exceptions are an unavoidable part of programming, and Java is no exception. Proper exception handling requires a thorough understanding of the exceptions in Java, how to throw exceptions in Java, and when to use runtime exceptions in Java. To help you become a more efficient programmer, here are 10 best practices for dealing with exceptions: 

  1. Catch exceptions at the right level: 

Consider where it makes sense to catch exceptions based on their type or severity. For example, catching a NullPointerException might make more sense at the method level than at the global level (such as within a global error handler). 

     2.Catch only exceptions that can be handled: 

Don’t attempt to catch exceptions that you cannot handle; instead, let them propagate to a higher level. This will ensure exceptions are handled only when necessary and not ignored.

     3. Utilize exception hierarchies: 

When creating exceptions, utilize the built-in Java exceptions and create exceptions that extend from them, allowing you to catch errors more quickly and efficiently by type. 

    4. Document exceptions explicitly:

Always document exceptions clearly in your code so that other developers can understand what is happening and how to handle it appropriately. 

   5. Throw exceptions judiciously: 

Don’t throw exceptions too early or too often, as these may be inefficient or unnecessary – instead, use them sparingly and only when needed for meaningful debugging or user experience enhancements. 

   6. Provide meaningful exceptions: 

When throwing exceptions in Java, you should always provide meaningful error messages that explain the cause of the exception and how to fix it. 

   7. Utilize runtime exceptions when possible: 

Use runtime exceptions when appropriate, as these are typically easier to debug. 

   8. Catch multiple exceptions in a single catch block: 

Use ‘|’ or ‘||’ operators to combine exceptions into a single catch block to create more efficient code. 

   9. Always re-throw exceptions: 

Re-throw exceptions whenever necessary, so they can be properly handled at higher levels of your application. 

   10. Clean up resources after an exception: 

Ensure resources (such as open files) have been cleaned up after an exception, to ensure exceptions don’t occur or propagate throughout the program. 

By following these best practices for exceptions in Java, you’ll be able to become a more efficient and effective programmer, and will be better prepared to handle exceptions when they inevitably arise.


In conclusion, effective handling of exceptions in Java is essential for the successful design and execution of a program. Proper exception handling allows developers to have an orderly control flow, which makes debugging and troubleshooting simpler. 

By using best practices such as avoiding catching generic exceptions, making use of try-with-resources blocks, logging exceptions properly, and creating custom exceptions when needed, developers can ensure that their code is robust and performs reliably. 

The strategies outlined above should be used to create reliable Java programs that are resilient to errors. By following these practices consistently, developers can build applications that run smoothly with minimal disruption due to unexpected events.

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